Sunday, November 26, 2006

More on Vick and the Redskins

I think the Jim More Sr. comments about Vick are misunderstood. He didn't just go out and announce that Vick is a coach killer. Jim Mora Sr. was on a morning radio show where Vick was called a coach killer and Mora more or less AGREED with him.

I thought I went over a lot of stuff about Vick, but another pet peeve of mine is how the guy holds onto the ball. He's been playing for years, but he still holds the ball like a loaf of bread. He had key a key fumble against Detroit where he wasn't even hit, he was running around and the ball slipped out of his hand. He had 2 more picks and a key fumble against Cleveland. Now here you have the Atlanta Falcons in a playoff race... PLAYOFFS???? Here you have the Atlanta Falcons in a playoff race and they can't even beat the Lions and Browns. Vick loves getting credit when he makes a big play, or his team wins, but he can't take the heat when he costs his team very winable games. When he losses he has been known to throw his teammates under the bus and that is not what a quarterback or leader is supposed to do.

I hear how the Atlanta receivers drop the most balls in the league, which is not true. That drop Crumpler had against Baltimore last week was a poor pass. Crumpler did get his hands on the ball, but he had to completly lay out to even touch the pass. Crumpler still could have made the catch, but it would have been a highlight reel kind of play. Every time a Falcon drops a pass, Vick supporters point that he has no team. Eli Manning had between 6 and 9 dropped balls against the Jaguars but I don't hear those excuses for Eli. The bottom line is that Vick and his supporters continue to make excuse after excuse for poor play.

I'm not a fan of Vick, and I'm not a fan of his head coach either. Jim Moron JR. is probably the worst head coach in the NFL. If his last name were not MORA, he would not be a head coach. All the guy does is stands there and kisses Mike Vick's ass at any chance. Vick could be on a rollout play at the goalline and get knocked out of bounds for a no gain, but Mora will come over and smile and kiss his ass when he comes over to the sidelines. After his dad agreed that Vick was a coach killer, Moron Jr. said he would select Vick over any player of all-time in an ultimate draft.

First of all, thanks DAD for putting your son in such a shitty position, second of all, is Junior smoking crack? Vick isn't even an Average Quarterback this year. Joey Harrington has started 7 games and thrown for more yards. Vick has less passing yards than JP Losman ( maybe the worst starter in the league), and backup Damon Huard. Senecca Wallace has a higher QB rating and he's a fellow scrambler. Mark Bunell got benched and he has a much higher QB rating.

Jim Mora Jr. got a head coaching job at such a young age. I don't feel that he proved himself, and I don't think he has that strong of a personality. I think it's a tough job to coach a Mike Vick, and giving him praise and telling him he's the best ever is the last thing he needs. It would be like coaching Brett Favre and to keep telling him to " take chances". Just let Mike Vick be Mike Vick is what he believes in. I've heard fans talking about just letting Vick do whatever he wants. Don't have a playbook, but to just let Vick run around and do whatever he wants.... Yeah, if you were head coach, you wouldn't want to PLAN, but you would just want to play back yard football and let your QB do whatever he wants?

One of the biggest issues I have with Junior happened this week. I was watching a replay of the Falcons/Ravens game and the head coach was on the sidelines WITHOUT A HEAD SET!!! I know he doesn't call the plays for offense or defense, but now he wasn't even listening to them! I believe his offensive coordinators told the little boy head coach to just get away.

Apparently when there were rumors of fighting a few weeks ago, it was between the offensive and defensive coordinators. Jim Mora Jr. looks more and more like a little boy as his coordinators ( who really run the show) were duking it out. It's not like the little boy head coach paces the sidelines, talking about what kinds of plays to call, the little boy head coach is resorted to just a cheerleader of Michael Vick. For Junior to just walk the sidelines without a head set is a freaking joke. He is a token head coach who is there because of his last name.

The Washington Redskins.

There should be an ESPN story coming out pretty soon how one of the Redskins defenders told ESPN that the team is a joke. The unnamed player told ESPN that defensive coordinator Gregg Williams is too cocky, runs predictable schemes, and the coaches haven't talked to Adam Archuleta in a month. The player said that Dan Snyder is aware of the problem.

I heard another great team building story about the redskins. It appears that 2 of the redskins coaches coach the defensive backs. Instead of having a DB coach, they have a coach for the corners, and a coach for the safeties. It appears that these coaches don't like each other, and the DB's have seperate meetings before the games. The Corners have their meetings with their coach, and the safeties have their meetings with their coach. That is one of the craziest things I have ever heard. The coaches feud is so great, that they are compermising the team as a result.

The Redskins team is more of a circus than I thought. The players are mad at coaches, the coaches are mad at coaches, the team has 23 coaches, and the GM has been doing a terrible job.

The team charged the salargy cap to the max, and doesn't even have that many young players in the pipeworks to help rebuild the team. They have wasted nearly 10 middle to late round draft picks with their spending. They wasted 3rd and 4th rounders acquring Mark Brunell and Jason Campbell. The wasted a pick to bring in James Thrash. Wasted a 3rd rounder to bring in Brandon Lloyd. They wasted a 2nd round pick to bring in Clinton Portis. They wasted a 3rd round pick to bring in TJ Duckett.

There are nearly 10 picks in rounds 2-6 that they just wasted. These young draft picks are supposed to make lower salaries, and be those hungry guys that you build your team with. The 2nd round pick is supposed to be a starter, and even those 6th round guys are supposed to push the starters for playing time.

The Redskins have been the worst managed team in profootball. A lot of those picks they wasted they didn't even have to waste. If they didn't TRADE for James Trash, I am sure the Eagles would have cut in. Instead of waiting it out, little Danny Synder needed that instant gratification and just had to waste a draft pick on bringing him over.

They traded one of the top corners in the game for one of the better young runningbacks. Denver can turn anybody with a pulse into a decent runningback, but reliable corners are hard to find. Not only did the redskins get rid of a top corner, but they also sent a 2nd round pick too! If they really would have waited it out a little bit more, Denver would have probably just done the 1 for 1 swapola.

They traded for Jason Campbell like he was some future franchise player. Eli Manning was traded for 3 draft picks, and the Redskins traded 3 for Jason Campbell. After they got Jason, he was inactive for nearly 2 seasons.

Mark Brunell wasn't just given a big contract, they trade PICKS to bring him over!!! It was widely speculated that Jacksonville was just going to cut him anyway!!

The Redskins have a shopping problem that hasn't shown any sign of sense. Instead of having 10 bodies fighting for that defense, they have a bunch of overpaid free agents that haven't panned out. While the Giants could draft an Osi Omenyouri, the Eagles a Derrick Burgess , the Cowboys a Demarcus Ware, the Redkins overpay for a 4.5 sack Andre Carter. It could be a tough task to rebuild this team with the lack of the in house talent. I have enjoyed watching this ship sink the entire season.

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